What a weekend we had celebrating our first anniversary and honoring our nation’s heroes. Our pool party kicked off the weekend and the traditional watermelon eating contest stirred memories of Norman Rockwell’s America. We are grateful to Srixon golf for showcasing their product to our members. Our Cat Island Club team showed our gratitude to our membership on Monday afternoon in our Lowcountry Boil member appreciation party. Most importantly, throughout the entire weekend, we were reminded how blessed we are to live in a nation where so many heroes paid the ultimate price for the freedoms that we enjoy.
Now that we look forward into the summer, we’re going to announce a program to our membership next week that is intended to grow our Golf Memberships over the next month. If you:
- Played the course recently and are considering membership;
- Play in our Thursday night Grass Masters events and want to continue;
- Are new to the area and looking for a fun club with so many great members;
Our summer incentive plan was designed for you!
So, if you are not a member but know a Cat Island Club member—reach out to them to get the details of the Golden Ticket summer promotion. If you don’t know a Cat Island Club member, reach out to me. I’ll be happy to share the details of the program with you and introduce you to a sponsoring member.
Members, look for the details to be announced early next week on Clubster and in your email. Be thinking about who you would like to invite to join our club. We want to increase our club’s Golf Membership numbers and we want to grow it with someone just like you!
With warmest regards,
Tim Mervosh
General Manager