We had a special visitor last week at Cat Island Club. That jolly old elf stopped by to put a little magic in our golf shop and a few twinkles in the eyes of the juniors at the Beaufort County Junior Golf Clinic. Over the years, I’ve hosted so many events at the clubs that I served that I’ve lost count; but, last week’s junior’s clinic certainly ranks near the very top. In fact, every time I see juniors on the practice tee, my heart swells just a little and I am reminded why we do what we do.
Watching members and their guests enjoying the Bon Fire last week was also a great feeling. You can certainly sense the pride when members are showcasing their club to their friends and family who are all in town visiting. That too reminds me that we’re on the right track.
This week is all about the Christmas holiday, but we’re not sitting back and roasting chestnuts all day. We’re still checking items off of our list and taking steps toward the opening of our club. One giant step was the operation of our brand-new submersible electric pump for the irrigation system. This was an item that we listed as a “major” element needed back in June. In today’s world, you have to be quite flexible with your needs and timing. We were able to grow in our greens and address the needs of the golf course with diverse options with our irrigation system, but now we know that we have a reliable state-of-the-art pump as the heart of the system.
Speaking of deliveries, I just received notification yesterday that our fleet of carts will be delivered next week. Again, due to supply chain issues and production delays, our “new” fleet of carts will not be delivered until 2024; but, we will have a fleet of carts that are slightly used to get us open in just a few short months. We certainly would have preferred to wait on the delivery of this fleet, however, in today’s upside-down world, we’ll take them when we can get them. We’ll also be adding carriage-style doors to the storage building as soon as possible. For those members who wish to purchase their own personal carts, please check on Clubster for the Personal Cart Specifications required for golf course use.
The Club will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Our next Family Social event will be on New Year’s Day at the Cabana. We’re planning a traditional Southern New Year’s event. Expect a menu with Hoppin’ Johns and Collards as well as Grilled Mahi, Shredded Pork, Mac and Cheese, Deviled Eggs, and (of course) Stephanie’s Corn Bread. Throw in some donuts and Banana Pudding for dessert and you have a recipe for good luck, prosperity, happiness, and health in 2023—that’s what they say at least! This event will be from 4:00-6:00 PM. The price for members is $22++ and your guests are $25++, with a member charge bar. You can sign up on Clubster or by sending me an email at tmervosh@resortdevpartners.com.
Remember, for those of you who are still thinking about joining the Full Family Golf Membership category, our special financing option for the Initiation Fee runs through the end of December. Please don’t hesitate to contact me in the golf shop for more information on this offer and any other membership opportunities. For your Social Member prospects, we’re still planning to open the clubhouse for lunch and dinners in February, so now is the time to join before the Social Membership Initiation Fee increases prior to the opening.
On behalf of the staff, our families at Cat Island Club, and all of us from Resort Development Partners, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Blessed New Year. Stay warm this weekend!
With warmest regards,
Tim Mervosh
General Manager