Each day, week, and month we check a box. Some of those boxes are bigger than others. Some boxes, like our recently installed irrigation pump, are a big box to check—but have little to no impact on the average golfer (unless of course it wasn’t working). Some boxes are more tangible than others; some have a significant impact, while others are simply building boxes to the next level of tasks.
This past week, we celebrated Christmas and did our very best to stay warm during the record low temperatures. Fortunately, the recent winter reminder came and went and we got back to checking boxes. One exciting box checked off the list is the arrival of our fleet of carts, which indeed arrived as promised. I am very pleased with these carts. As I mentioned last week, due to the world being upside down right now, we’re unable to get a brand new ‘Cat Island Club’ fleet of carts until 2024. Therefore, our partners at ClubCar offered us an alternative plan to take a fleet of carts coming off of a lease. With the relationship with RDP, we were able to obtain a fleet that was at a very high-end club in the New England area. This club does not do many rounds of golf each year and many of them are walking rounds. We’re pleased to receive carts that are three years old, but driven by an older lady only on sunny Sunday afternoons…if you know what I mean? This used fleet of carts will serve a great purpose for our needs until our “brand new” carts come through the production line and are delivered in 2024.
Another box that was checked this week had absolutely nothing to do with the construction of the golf course, but has a tremendous intangible impact on all of us. One of the key elements of our plans at Cat Island Club has been to show honor and respect to our Nation and the great state of South Carolina. We purchased three stately flagpoles for our parking lot to greet everyone who enters our club. Those flagpoles will be adorned with the American Flag, the State Flag of South Carolina, and the flag of the United States Marine Corps. Our group, Resort Development Partners, places patriotism and pride very high on our mission statement.
I reached out to one of our members who happens to be the Commanding Officer for Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Brandt, for an extra dose of patriotism for our flags. He gladly obliged by taking these flags on a flight in an F-35B from MCAS, Beaufort around the state. The flight path also took them directly over Cat Island. We are so grateful to Lt. Colonel Brandt for this honor; our gratitude extends to all of the military families whose sacrifices allow us to live our lives in freedom. The certificate that he presented us will be proudly displayed in our clubhouse while our flags fly outside.
This weekend, we’ll be hosting our first event of 2023, the Southern New Year’s Day celebration. We’ll be serving Hoppin’ Johns, Green Beans, Grilled Mahi, Shredded Pork, Mac and Cheese, Deviled Eggs, Corn Bread and more! According to local legend, this is the perfect recipe for good luck, prosperity, happiness, and health in 2023. This is a members and members’ guest event, and reservations are required. Please email me directly at tmervosh@resortdevpartners.com for any last-minute reservations or questions. The cost is $22 ++ for members and $25 ++ for guests of members. The event will begin at 4:00 until 6:00. Come out and celebrate the New Year with your fellow members at Cat Island Club!
On behalf of Resort Development Partners, the Cat Island Club team, and our families, we wish each of you the very best in 2023 and beyond!
With warmest regards,
Tim Mervosh
General Manager