I love this time of year when many of our National Members are back in town. After being away for the summer, I had a member from Canada stop in my office recently and after we got caught up my beloved Pittsburgh Penguins and some team from Toronto, he asked, “So, what’s new?”
So, I want to fill you all in on “what’s new” at Cat Island Club. First of all, we’ve opened up a new category of membership, the Sports Membership. As a Sports Member, you have access to all club amenities, including the practice facility and one round of golf per month at applicable cart fees. This is a perfect membership for someone who enjoys golf but has little time to play. Our practice range includes an all-grass tee and a plethora of targets to hone your skills. Of course, there is the George Cobb classic that is fun and challenging to enjoy. If the Sports Membership interests you, please give me a call at 843-524-2000 ext. 103 or drop me a note at tmervosh@resortdevpartners.com.
Another new and exciting program at CIC is delivery service on the island. Chef Corey’s entire menu will be available for delivery to all the homes on Cat Island Club soon. We’ll make an “official” launch as we tie up some loose ends, but for the first two months, we’ll deliver to all residents of Cat Island. After that time, it will be members only. You will be able to enjoy our delicious pizzas, burgers, wings and even entrees delivered to your home by one of our awesome service staff members. If you live on Cat Island, we’ll be “delivering” the details very soon to launch this new service.
We don’t wait until the beginning of the New Year to introduce new offerings and such, and we’ll continue to grow our club with additional services and events throughout the year. Keep an eye on these weekly emails as everything you need to know about CIC will be right here each week. Plus, I will be on the other end of the phone to answer your questions and continue to share the vision for the future of Cat Island Club!
With warmest regards,
Tim Mervosh
General Manager