We’re in that week of January when it’s getting slightly awkward to say Happy New Year, but still acceptable as well. At Cat Island Club, it’s also the time of year when we prepare for the rest of the year. Our programming dates for golf, social events and family fun are all set and now we’re putting together the details that will ensure that our membership will have many opportunities to enjoy Cat Island Club as they wish.
In golf, we are hosting a fun-packed February of events including the Superbowl Shuffle where the course is “re-designed,” and members will compete cross-country from tees and various holes that Mr. Cobb would likely not approve of. Nonetheless, this will be a “sanctioned” cross-country event and not the accidental kind that we find ourselves on during regular play from time to time.
Later this month, I will begin hosting lunches with the GM to which all members will be invited to sit around the table to discuss anything that is on their mind. We’ll discuss the plans for Cat Island Club and vision for both the immediate and long-term futures. We’ll talk about how far we’ve come over the past year and a half and, of course, the memories that are already on file. We will steer away from politics and religion for obvious reasons, but everything else is on the table. Remember, I grew up in Pittsburgh, so the Steelers, Penguins and Pirates are both politics and religion in my hometown.
So, what does the rest of this month look like? Here’s a list of things that Cat Island Club members will be enjoying during January.
- Happy Hour each Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 4:00 until 6:00. $1 wings and special pricing on beverages.
- Kids eat free each Wednesday when mom and/or dad are along to enjoy a family meal together.
- Pot of Gold dinners each Thursday evening. The pot is now over $700, and someone will win it soon! If you are a guest and know a member, ask them to bring you out for dinner any Thursday night and you’ll be entered into the drawing too. If you don’t know which member to ask, look in the mirror then call me about joining the club yourself. You’ll find that we’re a fun bunch and we’ll assure you that your decision to join was a great one.
- Men’s Senior Golf Group play each Thursday morning during the “winter” months. They also play every other day as well, but just for grins and lunch.
- Lunch with the GM is on Thursday the 25th. You provide the agenda and I’ll buy the dessert after lunch.
- Prime Rib night is Friday the 26th. Who doesn’t like a delicious prime rib dinner? We’ll have our regular full menu that night for those of you who answered “me” to the last question.
- Wine 101 on Saturday, January 27th. A fun opportunity to learn more about wine and wine pairings. Enjoy “taste testing” of various wines. Learn more about the CIC Wine Club where you can put all of your newfound knowledge to work and enjoy wine all year long with your fellow members.
*details for each event can be found on our member’s only communication App, Clubster.
So again, it’s still January and with three weeks to go in a slow month, just think how much fun you will have at Cat Island Club. If you’re a member, I’ll see you soon if you’re reading this note and thinking, “Why am I not a member?”, just call me or send me an email and I’ll be thrilled to show you the club and share the vision.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
With warmest regards,
Tim Mervosh
General Manager