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8 Waveland Avenue, Beaufort, SC 29907

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The Cat Island Weekly Update: January 3rd

Jan 3, 2025 | Weekly Update

Dear Friends of Cat Island Club,

Well, you are three days into your New Year’s resolutions; how are you doing so far? I for one have vowed not to make a double bogey all year and so far, so good. In fact, with the cold weather, I’ve not hit a shot in 2025. The good news is that warmer temperatures are coming, and I have a heated vest to keep me warm. The bad news is, I still tend to hit it left at times and our first three holes all have water on the left side. I’ll adjust my resolution as time goes on.

Obviously, several of you reading this note made a resolution to join Cat Island Club in 2025. I’m always so grateful when a new member joins our club. Over the past week, we’ve had a flurry of new members who have joined, and I could not be more proud. Plus, all of these new members are Young Executive Golfers, so we’ll be hosting new young families on the golf course, dining room, summer camp and all around the club for many years to come. If you are looking for a club on the upswing, look no further than CIC.

Last week, I did a look back at 2024 and the great accomplishments and memories from the past year. This week we’re only looking out of the windshield for what’s to come.  For the members of our club, we’ll continue to host our weekly Seniors and Ladies Golf matches along with monthly ‘guest days’ and a variety of Member Mixers. These Member Mixers are the fun and less competitive events on the golf course, like our upcoming Executive Par 3 contest where each hole is transformed into a Par 3 hole. Our Super Bowl Shoot-Out is a very popular event next month, along with the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre which is a true alternate “shot” where we hope players continue to talk to one another after the round.

In our dining room we’ll be hosting our monthly BINGO on January 8th and our Valentines Pre Fixe in February. Our calendars are full of golf and social events for our members to enjoy and I’m enclosing our first quarter newsletter HERE to give you all an idea of what our members enjoy and the events that we host.

Note to members, our dining room will be closed each Tuesday during January and February, but our golf shop and golf course remain open each day with the exception of Mondays when all club facilities are closed. The turn room with our honor system for snacks, beverages and sandwiches will be available on Tuesdays.

Last but not least, we’re hosting our first Ladies Sips and Tips golf clinic on Saturday the 11th. For all of you ladies who made your New Year’s resolutions to either learn to play, enjoy the game more, or simply enjoy the “sips” part of these clinics, these are just what you’ve been waiting for. You can register on Clubster for this event and bring a friend—golf is a game of a lifetime!

I wish each of you the very best of luck in 2025. I hope your golf balls bounce toward the hole, and you lip more putts in than out. Many blessings to you and your families throughout the year!

With warmest regards,
Tim Mervosh
General Manager

About Cat Island Club

Cat Island Club is a premier private Country Club nestled in the heart Beaufort, South Carolina’s Sea Islands. A place simply too rare and too beautiful to treat with anything but the greatest care and respect.

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